Anawangin Cove Adventure
The plan was to make my summer full of exciting adventures and explorations this year. It’s my one way of rewarding myself for all the hard work in earning my degree. But that didn’t happen. Instead, I went home to babysit my 10-month old nephew for the whole summer. I had a great time, though, creating sweet memories with him.
Staying in the house to take care of the baby, I found an unpublished article I have written four years ago about one of my adventures. It gave me a nostalgic feeling all of a sudden. So, I’d like to share it here.
March 2013
Holy Week
Climbing up on one of the rocky mountains of Anawangin Cove gave me a new perspective of Christian life in a picture.
It was 3:40 in the morning before sunrise when I set on foot to my little adventure. Looking at all these rocks I knew this journey will not be easy, just as how Christian life could be very difficult. There will be a time when it gets harder to move forward. As I push myself to go higher my body gets heavier. Sometimes when we give too much effort to reach our goals in life we get weary and tired. Then, we wonder whether we will ever reach that goal.
There will also be some tragedies in life that are difficult to avoid. I have to watch out for those slippery rocks, or else it will leave me hanging in the air. If ever I get so careless and mistakenly stepped on one of those steep rocks, it will get harder to keep myself holding on to the last hope I want to cling on to. I realized that sometimes I wasted my strength on struggling just to reach for the bigger rocks believing that my life depends on them. But little did I know that the one saving me from falling down on the bed of sharp rocks is that small piece of rock that was holding me all along as I get back on my feet. Spared from death in that breakneck moment I have to keep on with my journey while the path gets even more challenging. Even after surviving from Christian-life challenges and unexpected tragedies that almost left you broken there will always be another day you have to face no matter how restless and exhausted you have been.
As I looked around I could see huge mountains overwhelming me with fear that I will never make it. Underneath are the big waves that almost look like waves of depression and distraction waiting to swallow me up. Giants of rocks that seem to be the obstacles hindering me from moving on are everywhere. Then suddenly, I noticed that light. It was dim, but it was still light. I looked above and saw a crystal moon, lighting the hope in me that nearly died. I was not alone all along. The shining moon has been guiding my steps from the very beginning of my journey protecting me from total darkness. The Holy Spirit has always been there to guide our way (John 15:26). Quietly, He is giving us comfort when we get weary. This journey is becoming tough, but everything will be bearable as long as the moon remains up there.
Before I knew it I was already on top of the mountain. At the top of it, I could see the overview of everything. I could also see the path I have taken from climbing up the mountain. Then, I began to understand that everything I have feared about was just a part of the scenery that completes its beauty. Amazed I was to apprehend how Christian life would be wonderful with all the circumstances that must be faced. All the difficulties and pain will bring us to our excellence just as how the cove has become with all its strong and big waves, gigantic rocks and fierce mountains surrounding it.
This island is breathtaking. Life is beautiful.
Unexpectedly, my eyes saw the little things, little creatures that I never noticed when I was climbing up. I was so consumed with the big things my eyes could easily see. When the creation started to unfold itself I became so overwhelmed in awe. God did not only put the mountains and rocks. There were also living creatures including the fish with different colors, crabs, scorpions, corals, and flowers living in the water. These beautiful creatures show that in the midst of the island there is life. The existence of the mountains and rocks is to give these living creatures a habitation, a home. Once more, God made me understand that it was not the rich, powerful and big people He was concerned about. His blessings are for the children, for the poor in spirit, for the meek, for the mourners, for them that hunger and thirst after righteousness, and for them who are persecuted after righteousness’ sake (Matthew 5: 1-12).
The fresh wind of the morning speaks of a new day, a new hope that darkness is now in the past. The rocks have become the reminders of the courage that was displayed while becoming as strong as the rocks were. The warmth of the sun gives a new strength to proclaim the victory won. The ocean is so great and vast declaring that awesome wonder is our God.
Fascinated was I as I experienced the adventure of exploring the beauty of a piece of God’s supermagnificent creation.
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