Rediscovering Love
"They make wrong decisions in life, but I love them."
I met a certain man in La Union last May, and he said these words. I don't know him very well, but he sounded like he has wrestled with God to be able to say those words with much conviction.
His words remained in my mind. At the time, I thought I just remembered it for no reason. Until today, I realized the purpose of why I needed to hear those words.
God wants me to bear His love.
Love others. Yeah, sure. I would if… There’s always a precondition that hinders me from loving others. Honestly, it is always a struggle for me to be compassionate to people who are disobedient, rebellious, perverse, selfish, unrestrained and so on. Many times I find it easier to disassociate from them and shake off my duty to pray for them.
For so many years, I refused to exercise unconditional love. I have cultivated a heart of stone rejecting the power of God in me to demonstrate love towards others, especially to those who have been enslaved by sin.
Sin. It is a disease that plagues the body and soul. It subtly consumes life to destruction. It brings defeat and emptiness. It leads to pain and despair. It blinds the mind with darkness and binds the heart with chains of misery. It causes division and strife.
As sin unfolds itself, I see them fall, one after another. These people I hold dear to my heart have been drawn into the seduction of the enemy (Ephesians 6:12). Shamelessly, the enemy devised a sinful lifestyle as his perfect strategy to lure them in. Helplessly watching them sink deeper and deeper into the trap, I am beyond grief-stricken. These people who served the Lord in the ministry with me are now captives of sinful activities.
Thus, I'm beginning to understand why John 15:12 is not a request, nor an option. It is a direct command. Sincerely love one another even when they fall to sin because regardless of how grave sin can be, love is greater.
While the enemy would do anything to corrupt the members of the body of Christ, prevailing love will show the way to deliverance. Refusing to receive our brothers and sisters, who have committed the cardinal sin, will only hold them back from seeing the light to restoration.
Moreover, selfless love is a mark of a disciple of Jesus. It is an obligation to love them despite their sin. We were also loved by God when we were undeserving. How can we turn away from loving others? (John 13:34-35)
Looking at the bleeding side of Jesus to comprehend love, I discovered the true love I’ve been missing out in my life.
Love gives. (John 3:16)
Love does not expire, but provides security. (Romans 8:38-39)
Love does not expire, but provides security. (Romans 8:38-39)
Love knows hardships. (I Corinthians 13:4a&7)
Love is revealed through sacrifice. (I John 3:16)
Love is not expressed with words, but with action. (I John 3:17-18)
Love will lose everything to save a life. (I John 4:9)
Love brings hope and confidence in a time of trouble. (Romans 5:3-5)
Love extends to the unworthy resolutely. (Romans 5:8)
Love transforms. (Titus 3:1-4)
Love presents a vagabond as a rightful heir. (I John 3:1)
Love is immeasurable transcending beyond knowledge. (Ephesians 3:17-19)
Love manifests the knowledge of God. God is love. (I John 4:7-8)
Love is a revelation of God. (I John 4:12)
This love compels me to:
Understanding the love of God, I had to make a deliberate decision. It is a constant battle with my own heart continually reminding myself that I will love them whether they make right or wrong decisions in life. I should love them so that God’s love would be made perfect in me.
- love them even if they are failing to overcome sin.
- love them in good times and in bad times.
- love them even when they repeat the same mistakes.
- love them without condemning them.
- love them with readiness to forgive.
- love them by helping them have liberty from sin.
- love them with acceptance of their past.
- love them and hate their sin.
- love them without asking why.
- love them without ifs and buts.
- love them because Jesus loved first.
Understanding the love of God, I had to make a deliberate decision. It is a constant battle with my own heart continually reminding myself that I will love them whether they make right or wrong decisions in life. I should love them so that God’s love would be made perfect in me.
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