
Love and Marriage

Eyes sparkling. Smiles unconcealed. A thrill of joy overflowing as they held hands before the altar. 

Their love story was not the romantic tale she dreamed of. He is not even close to a charming prince. And she is not the perfect bride you can find. But God sanctified their relationship because of their submissive heart to wait patiently on His right time. They set their focus on getting closer to Christ and God brought them together. 

Unexpected it may seem. But God carefully planned it all.

After the long wait, they said their solemn vows facing each other and beholding the lifetime companion God has wonderfully created for them. There were no regrets. No tears. It is a day of rejoicing.

Inspired by their purity preserved with time spent in prayer, their love has grown into a beautiful picture of Christ’s love for His Church. (Ephesians 5:25-27)

Christ is the epitome of love. 

The love of Christ demonstrated sacrifice. He gave His own life because He loved us. There was nothing about us that can merit the favor of His love. And yet, He died as a ransom for our sins to give us life eternal. A love with sacrifice, this is the greatest love. (John 15:13; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 5:25)

Christ’s love sanctifies.

The love of Christ for sinners was the reason He was hanged on the cross and shed blood. Without His blood, there would be no cleansing of the sins of the world. Those who put their faith in Christ believing in His saving power will be blood-washed as white as snow. (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 5:26)

Christ glorifies the object of His love.

In the fullness of His love, Christ presents the believers, His Church, glorious unto Him. He adorns them with holiness. They will be without blemish having no spot or wrinkle. His Church will be as a perfect bride prepared for her husband. What a grand royal wedding that would be! (Ephesians 5:27; Revelation 19:7, 21:2) 

Jesus Christ wants you to experience His love. He is waiting for you to accept His relentless love. Just as the bridegroom longed to see his bride donned in white, Christ desires to clothe you with His righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)


United in the love of Christ, Faye and Ace made their sacrifices denying themselves that they may come to this day ready to fulfill their God-ordained commitment till their very last breath.


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